焼酎・泡盛プロモーション開催:Shochu & Awamori in Whisky Live Paris

10月21日(土)~23日(月)、パリ最大のスピリッツ業界イベント「Whisky Live」に出展いたしました。「Whisky Live」とは、世界的にも有名なディストリビューター「La Maison Du Whisky」が年に1度開催するスピリッツの祭典です。

From October 21st to 23rd, we promoted Shochu in Whisky Live Paris (hosted by La Maison du Whisky)! Whisky Live is an annual spirits festival held by world-renowned distributor La Maison du Whisky.

This year was our third time to exhibit, and most visitors had already not only tasted shochu but also purchased it. We were able to realize that the popularity of shochu and awamori is growing in France and Europe. We will continue our activities to further expand the sales channels of shochu and awamori in France and Europe!


  1. 謹賀新年
  2. ご挨拶